quinta-feira, maio 16, 2019

Prof Armando Ribeiro obteve a Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE)

Prof Armando Ribeiro teve a honra de obter a certificação no programa Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE), durante o Bett Educar 2019.

A certificação Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE) atesta que os educadores possuem as habilidades para fornecer experiências de aprendizagem personalizadas para seus alunos e incorporam habilidades críticas do século XXI, usando as ferramentas da Microsoft. O Microsoft Certified Educator Program é um programa de desenvolvimento profissional que preenche a lacuna entre as habilidades tecnológicas e o ensino inovador. 

A implementação do programa de desenvolvimento e certificação profissional Microsoft Certified Educator nas instituições de ensino:

- Garante que o corpo docente tenha conhecimento básico das ferramentas do Microsoft Educaction;
- Garante que os professores estão aptos a integrar tecnologia às suas práticas pedagógicas para desenvolver as competências do século XXI.
- Garante que os professores saibam quais ferramentas do Microsoft Education podem suportar as competências do século 21; entre outros.

Prof Armando Ribeiro obtendo a Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE).

Earning a Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE) certification validates that educators have the global educator technology literacy competencies needed to provide a rich, custom learning experience for students. Earners demonstrate competency, mapped to the 21st Century Learning Design (21CLD) Framework for Educators. The 21st Century Learning Design provides teachers with clear and practical ways to develop 21st century skills using digital technologies with their students.

Um comentário:

  1. Microsoft Certified Educator
    The Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE) certification validates that educators have the global educator technology literacy competencies needed to provide a rich, custom learning experience for students.
    Demonstrating technology literacy
    Through this single exam, educators will demonstrate that they are able to incorporate the 21st Century Learning Design (21st CLD) skills identified in the Innovative Teaching and Learning (ITL) Research project into learning activities using Microsoft tools for education.
    Facilitate student collaboration
    Facilitate skilled communication
    Facilitate self-regulation
    Facilitate real-world problem solving and innovation
    Facilitate student use of Information and Communication Tools (ICT)
    Use ICT to be an effective educator
    MCE certification is ideal for educators-in-training, faculty of teacher training colleges, and in-service educators.
    Microsoft offers a comprehensive e-learning curriculum, 21CLD, to help educators prepare for this rigorous exam.
    Note The Microsoft Certified Educator exam assesses whether educators understand how to apply technology tools in the six different content domains, not whether they are proficient in using specific technology tools. If you are looking for information on getting certified to teach specific Microsoft products and technologies, visit the Microsoft Certified Trainer page.
    School administrators: Consider integrating MCE certification into your teacher training or professional development program. The exam can be administered and proctored by educators on campus. You can purchase campus licenses via Microsoft Volume Licensing, through a Microsoft reseller, or from Certiport, Microsoft’s authorized MCE exam delivery partner. If your school or education organization has a license subscription to Microsoft Imagine Academy (MSIA), Microsoft’s global flagship employability skills program, your institution will receive 10 MCE exam vouchers each year so that your teachers can attain the MCE certification at no additional cost. If you’d like to learn more about MSIA and how to conveniently add a subscription for your education institution via Volume Licensing, see our detailed program information.
