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Neuroscience applied to Management

Neuroscience applied to Management

Prof. Armando Ribeiro ministering to the discipline of Psychology Applied to Administration course of Directors of the Institute of Education and Research -Insper in 2012, was one of the precursors application of neuroscience to the study of business administration and "Business School" in the country. (Photo: Personal Archive). As organizational behavior is multifactorial, neurosciences are one of the important ways to understand men at work. When talking about emotions at work and the importance of the study of Multiple Intelligences, including Emotional Intelligence, students learn basic concepts of "neurolearning" and management of intellectual capital.

"We will not be limited by the information we have. We will be limited by our ability to process this information. "(Peter Drucker)

Prof. Armando Ribeiro emphasizes the importance of Administration students know the functioning of the brain, through the current evidence produced by the neuroscience of behavior and cognition. The main topics included in the studies of Organizational Behavior and Psychology Applied to Administration can be founded on the findings of neuroscience, such as motivation, emotion, emotional intelligence, personality, decision making, problem solving, interpersonal communication, group behavior, teamwork, leadership, conflict and negotiation, occupational stress management and quality of life at work, among others.

Through the use of modern logging equipment brainwave, Prof. Armando Ribeiro was a pioneer in the country to demonstrate to the students of Business Administration faculty and "Business School" about mental states (brain waves) due to common activities to the profession, such as decision making, problem solving, negotiation and occupational stress by teaching demonstration of brain functioning of these various activities in the classroom.

In the chart above (attention session details), students learned about the "cost" brain before the maintenance activities involving focused attention. As exercise continues, the attention level is significantly decreased.

In other activity (meditation session details), we demonstrate to students of Business Administration and "Business School" the importance of the practices of "mindfulness", also known as "mindfulness" to management of occupational stress and promoting quality of life in work.

We also demonstrate the effect of negative emotions (eg. Interpersonal conflicts) in the physiology of students. By monitoring the variability of heart rate (heart rate variability), our students learned about the relationship between emotional intelligence and the focus or spread attention.

"Modern Company educates, qualifies, specializes offers courses, trains recruiting. If the machines have maintenance, why people do not? By the time we live brains are the most valuable asset of a company!" (Miriam Leitão)

Prof. Armando Ribeiro was one of those interviewed for the article "Mysteries of the mind. How neuroscience can explain consumer behavior and how its concepts can be applied to the Administration?" the Journal Manager Pro (RAP) (September / 2013, 36, No. 327) of the Regional Council of São Paulo Administration (CRA-SP).

"We have to teach leaders and managers of the future that the best knowledge of the workings of the brain itself can bring an unlimited differential for your professional career. This knowledge can create healthier corporate environments. "(Prof. Armando Ribeiro)

Read more:

Neuromanagement - Harvard Business School Brazil

Mysteries of the Mind. How neuroscience can explain consumer behavior and how its concepts can be applied to Management. Magazine Professional Administrator (RAP)

Google Translator
Last updated: 14/04/2015


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